Greetings Everyone!
Easter at the lake was unique! We started our day with Easter brunch at Bridgetts' and Gunthers' cabin - and what a delight! B had dyed Easter eggs with onion skins, tea and blueberries. Each of us (there are three couples going through break-up here on the island) received a real hard boiled, artistically colored Easter egg.
Bridgette's Easter creativity greeting us at their cabin door. |
A visual and gastric Easter feast!
A 'traditional' German Easter brunch - with some Alaskan modifications!
We feasted on braided Easter bread, salmon, Easter bunny buns (complete with rasin eyes and slivered almond noses), pates, marmalade's, candy sweets and Dall Sheep sausage. |
Later that day - a young eagle was playing out on the ice in front of our cabin.
The game appeared to be - pick up a stick, drop it on the ice, swoop down, get the stick, hop with it, take off without the stick then, return for the stick, fly off with it, drop the stick while in flight - and start the game all over again.
The young eagle spent about half an hour playing with the stick. |
Later - we heard the Sandhill Cranes raising a squawking ruckus over near Swan Cove.
As we looked towards all the commotion - we saw a coyote trotting out on the ice.
The coyote couldn't seem to make up its mind as to continue his pursuit of a crane dinner - or trot back to the mainland - so he remain standing on the ice - eventually he gave up on the crane dinner and trotted off into the trees.
This looks like an aerial photo - but its actually an ice island floating past our cabin. |
Our Easter day ended with Easter dinner at our cabin. I believe each of us was well feasted by the time we went to bed. I must add - that our Easter dessert was a cherry pie - delivered by Mike McGyver. He had come to the island on the 20th for a quick 'turn-around' trip and brought the pie out.
We now have fourteen folks guessing a date as to when the ice will go out. Dates taken so far: May 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15,17 and 28. The ice is no longer safe to walk on - and the island is slowly becoming a true island again. Water is flowing around most of Caribou - the north side of the island still remains mostly ice intact - but the ice is getting weaker each day.
Take Care!
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