Greetings Everyone!
Well - we are reaching the point of staying put on the island. The ice lake is changing - thanks to the warm weather and winds. Night temperatures are dropping to 25* for a couple of hours - but the day temperatures are going up to the mid-40's.
Two days ago we had some very strong southeast winds - 70 to 80 miles per hour! Yesterday and today, the winds are clocking at 20-25 mph and its warm. Already - some folks have stopped coming out for the weekend and no one is driving across the lake now.
Yesterday, Ernie and Mike McGyver went out on snow machines and tested the ice. Although the lake is 23 inches in places - the ice composition is changing.
With all that said - Mike McGyver went across the lake today to help another cabin owner bring some lumber across - they will both leave the island on Saturday. Ernie also went across the lake today - to make one last mail check and pick-up a few fresh fruits and veggies - this will be his last crossing by snow machine - the next crossing will be by boat.
We are now preparing to stay put until the ice goes out - however, we've a number of projects linedup to keep us busy. Ernie will start on the green house, replace the metal on the roof that was blown off this past year and finish installing the tongue and groove pine paneling in the cabin. I am recruited to be his helper.
One of the things that we discovered about our cabin during the winter - was our two picture windows 'leak' - both of them fogged up and/or got frost between the panes. So we need to replace both windows - which have been ordered but wont arrive until later this month.
I do believe the next phase of our adventure has begun - 'break-up'!!!
A lone leaf slowly melting down into the ice. |
A couple of days ago - Ernie and I took a walk around the island to see any changes in the ice. |
As we walked around the island - we came upon a crack - it stretches across the lake - from the island towards the upper landing. As you can see - water is in the crack. |
The ice is open across from our neighbors' cabin - facing towards Swan Cove. Since the high winds however, the opening now goes from the islands' shore to Swan Cove point. |
Ernie by the Swan Cove opening near our neighbors' cabin - it's about a foot deep here. |
Another opening - near our cabin. |
Agent Duckie - our friends boat buoy finally emerges from the snow. |
Yesterday - Ernie and Mike McGyver felled the large spruce tree that was blown down by a wind a few years ago - the one hanging over the right away at the back of our cabin.
By Sunday - only Ernie and I will be on this side of the island - with Gunther and Bridgett on the other side. We are looking forward to sharing Easter together - maybe have an Easter egg hunt??? |
Take Care - we look forward to seeing you all after break-up.