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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Summer Daze...

Greetings Everyone!

Life seems to be stirring all around the island!  Everything seems to be on the move.  Below - the Loons have been gathering in numbers - swimming about and diving for minnows.

So - being out on the lake takes a bit of gentle maneuvering so as not to disturb the Loons as they swim about.  I snapped this photo from the back of our boat.

No only are the Loons moving about -- but so are folks.  The other day - we took our boat and went to visit with Clancy on the other side of the island.  While we were there -- Duck Shack landed his plan on the lake and taxied to his cabin.  As you can see from the clouds -- a storm was coming in as well.  Later that night and into the next day - we had winds.

To add to all the activity -- the Salmon started 'running' -- so we went fishing after the storm passed.  Below we were finishing up processing our fish.  Now we'll be fishing until our freezer is full. 
With fishing underway - we've been up late processing fish -- and enjoying the full moon.

Besides all the movement with birds, folks and fish -- a brown bear was spotted on the island.  We've not seen it - but from what we hear - it has a big head, sort of blond and is about two or three years old.  Clancy said the bear has gone through his property about three times.  Like everyone else -- we are very much on bear alert -- especially now that we are dealing with fish -- a bear favorite. 

Yesterday, we spotted the cow moose and her calf swimming across from Tater's place back to the mainland.  She more than likely was a bit nervous having a bear on the island -- so she took her calf and left.  After she left -- about 15 minutes later -- the other moose - the little cow without a calf -- came wandering over to our cabin looking for something to eat.  So we know she's still on the island.

Today, we plan to go back out and fish -- the fish are moving through in 'waves' - so it takes awhile to find where they are schooling. 

Take care -- and thanks for checking in!!

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