Summer is getting underway at the island. The buds on the deciduous trees have opened and now we have leaves on the trees -- it seems to have happened quickly - like overnight. Everything looks so new.
As the lake water continues to rise to its summer level - I decided to tie a plastic hunting duck along side our white buoy -- the buoy helps identify where a large rock is so that when we come to shore with our boat - the propeller won't hit the rock -- an expensive oops. I'm sitting on the rock holding the intended duck.
With all the nice weather -- we took the opportunity to check Tater's mooring lines and attached a yellow cord. The cord will help locate the mooring lines under high water.
While Ernie worked on the mooring lines -- I went about collecting wild chives. Below - Ernie catches me in the act of snipping and bagging chives. One thing I noticed -- were all the mosquitoes I disturbed along the shoreline. Not too fun.
I couldn't resist taking a photo of the homemade honey wheat bread I made the other day. It was yummy and made some great French Toast for breakfast.
On Facebook a few weeks ago, my daughter had posted a suggestion -- rather than toss out the bottom part of celery - put the cut off section in some water and the celery will regrow. So I tired it -- and sure enough - I have new stalks of celery growing. Now I'm going to see how long it takes to grow an edible piece of celery - and if it really tastes like fresh celery.
Well, remember the duck I attached to the white buoy? The duck sank -- so I went out and retrieved it - seems there was a hairline crack that sucked in water and sank the duck. As you can see in the photo below -- the water now covers the large rock. Lesson learned - don't attached a leaking duck to a buoy. Right? Well, I got another duck and reattached it to the white buoy and it too sank -- suffering from the same hairline crack syndrome. Lesson learned - forget playing with cracked ducks.
Before the water level rises much more -- Ernie and I went out and laid our summer water hose. Below - Ernie is preparing to secure the electrical water pump.
But -- before we could finish the water hose and pump chore -- I spotted a moose trotting up the shore from our friend Tater's cabin. So we carefully and quickly went up the side deck stairs to our deck and watched the moose. Her behavior was sort of odd -- to me anyway -- she would leave the shoreline and go into the trees - then, come back out and trot up the beach - then - go back into the trees. Below - Ernie took a photo of her stopping to check things out by our cabin.
Anyway, she continued up the shoreline -- going between the beach and trees. This moose appeared to be young - perhaps her first year alone. She doesn't appear to be the same moose that had the twin calves -- she is smaller.
Oh well - that is island living. We completed our water hose chores successfully.
Take care - and we'll touch base again!
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