Welcome to our cabin ...

Glad you could stop by!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Back Home ...

Greetings Everyone!

We've returned - and its great to be home again.  Upon our return - we discovered that our 'floating deck' -- in front of the workshop had 'heaved' -- subsequently, Ernie had to remove the door to get into the workshop.  Below -- Ernie is shaving the door.  Yes - he has lost weight - down 30 lbs.

Below is our boat - without it's canopy top -- the canopy collapsed from the winter snowfall - and weight load stress.  We'll be returning to Anchorage for a scheduled custom made canopy replacement. In addition - our boat motor will be replaced - since Ernie sold our 2-stroke motor - and the buyer is scheduled to get the motor before we take the boat in for the canopy replacement.

We thought the little moose - Maggie -  would have been gone when we returned -- but here she is!!  Maggie survived another winter and is now going about her business of eating.  She is small for a moose - must be a runt.  Maggie is also shedding her winter coat and looks a bit shaggy - and her attitude is cranky!  The other day I saw Maggie aggressively charge a Robin - her hooves were thrashing out at the bird - as she rose on her hind legs -- hopping towards the Robin to strike it -- all without success.  Maggie then went stomping off into the trees - snorting and huffing grunts of annoyance. 

We definitely will be alert to her whereabouts when we are in the yard!!

Besides Maggie - the rabbits are still here as well.  They seem much cuties - because they don't act aggressive towards the birds.  Although we've seen a rabbit or two - the rabbit population is down.  We generally see 8 -10 rabbits in the morning - but only see 1 or 2 now.  The owls and coytotes had a very good winter.

We also discovered that Superman lives on the island - we saw him hauling a phone booth past our cabin on a boat. A real phone booth!!  Now - to see him zip into the phone booth and change!

I believe we'll have an interesting summer before us -- Take Care - and we'll keep in touch!