Greetings Everyone!
We've had some interesting fluctuations in weather these past two days - from wonderful winter wonderland conditions to melting snow and high winds. With such a beautiful day on Monday - I took a mini-ski trip from our cabin to the mainland across from our cabin.
Ready for my ski adventure on Monday.
The day was absolutely beautiful with a temperature of 25 * F. |
Skiing to the mainland across from our cabin.
During my crossing - I saw a number of paw prints.
From the spread of each set of paw prints - it appeared as though the critters were trotting. |
The view from the mainland - back towards our cabin. It took me about 15 minutes to cross.
A big change in weather!
On Tuesday we woke up to howling winds and blowing snow. Our friend who is building his cabin came by to borrow a ladder - and he's heading back to his cabin site with the ladder.
Later - the snow turned to rain and the temperature rose to 35* F
where it remained throughout the night. |
As the snow began to melt - I made a snowman - which turned out to be somewhat of a challenge as the winds were blowing quite hard - clocking in with gusts up to 50 mph. |
Sounds and sights of the wind.
We have some questions from blog readers - so I will answer them:
1. How long does it take you to cross the lake from your cabin by snow machine?
Response: It takes us approximately 15 minutes pulling the sled - and it seems much faster than by boat. I also like being able to carry more weight and supplies.
2. Do you ever get tired of the winds? It seems you get a lot of winds out there.
Response: The winds don't bother us - we stay put if the winds are blowing strong. We use the wind to generate electricity - so the winds serve a purpose. And yes, we do get a lot of winds throughout the year - its due to our geographical location between mountains and related weather patterns.
3. Have you seen the little moose lately?
Response; No we've not seen the little moose - only some tracks a few days ago. Perhaps she is growing up and knows to stay away from humans.
4. You mentioned that you have a water hole where you get water, is the water safe to drink?
Response: The water that comes into the lake is glacier feed however - we filter all of our drinking water.
Thank you everyone for checking - in!