Storm abating today |
Boat safely moored - finally! |
The 'come along' |
Waves still hitting the beach |
Last night was rather hectic for us! We had just settled in to begin our dinner meal at 6:30 PM when we heard the winds coming from the Southeast. As we listened, the winds became stronger and stronger. Ernie checked our wind meter and told me the winds were clocking-in at 40 mph! We were surprised because the weather forecast predicted us to have 15-20 mph winds.
We both jumped up,grabbed flashlights and went outside so that we could peer into the night to check our boat. Although our boat was moored, the winds were beginning to toss our boat sideways towards the rocky beach. We both rushed back into the cabin and quickly put on our chest waders, rain gear and head lamps. We grabbed extra ropes and ran to the boat before it went completely sideways. If the boat went sideways on the beach, the waves could batter and pound our boat and we would be unable to turn it - risking serious damage to the boat and motor.
Once we reached the beach, we were confronted by a strong surf of four foot waves slapping us and our boat. Ernie literally had to yell instructions to me in order for me to hear him above the surf that was pounding. Besides the wind blowing like mad, we had to deal with 'sideways rain' pelting us.
Finally, in between the swells and the waves, about an hour and a half, we managed to turn the boat and re-secure it to the 'skid' - Ernie had built a 16 foot 2x4 skid which he attached plastic lexcon material to the bottom -- the skid makes it possible for us to easily pull the boat onto the beach and secure it. This time however due to the strong winds, the surf was lifting the boat and the skid, turning everything around.
Once we had everything secure, we returned to the cabin to change in to dry clothing, finish our meal and relax for the evening. At 10: 30 PM as we were getting ready to retire for the evening, we heard the winds again, this time coming stronger!
Ernie went to check the boat and returned telling me the winds were much stronger and that we'd needed to pull the boat further up out of the water. So - out we went again to deal with the boat. This time, Ernie connected the 'come along' to the boat and began cranking the boat up further. My job was to release ropes from the boat that Ernie had predetermined were key for cranking the boat.
Together, we managed to crank the boat up on the shore by another two feet. We were finally able to get to bed at 1:00 AM. This morning and throughout the day the storm continued but not at the fierce level it was last evening.
Ernie installing insulation |
Mittens drying |
Maggie ate our Arctic Pea bush |
Sauna Duck Boards we built from cedar |
On a lighter note, with the continued wind and rain today - Ernie worked on the insulation project to give us more insulation for the cabin. He will cover all the insulation with 2 x 4 grooved pine. While Ernie worked away, I made two pies, one apple and one pumpkin.
I thought you all might like to see how we dry our gloves. The little hanging rack is actually quite handy. Also, the little moose has come by and eaten a number of our bushes. She definitely has poor manners.
I also thought you'd like to see the Duck Boards that we built for the sauna and last but not least - with all the rain and warm weather - there is not much left of my first snow man or is that a snow person?
Take care Everyone and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!
All gone!